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what is Bitcoin and how to get bitcoin?

What is Bitcoin?

Bitcoin, which carries the symbol BTC, short for the word bitcoin, is one of the most famous digital currencies of our time and is considered the first digital currency in the world. Bitcoin is the oldest digital currency and the first currency with a digital concept. Before it, we used to deal with banking currencies such as the dollar and the euro... but after the launch of the bitcoin currency, we became official We deal with digital currencies on the Internet, and therefore Bitcoin is the oldest digital currency. Due to its very high value, many investors turned to investing in it, and from here new concepts for trading in digital currencies emerged, led by Bitcoin.

How to get bitcoin?

Here are the most popular ways to obtain digital currencies and earn Bitcoin. We share with you the best methods used to obtain Bitcoin:

The first method is direct purchase, by which we mean buying Bitcoin from currency trading sites or directly from people, but you must be careful when buying from people and make sure first that they are honest people in their dealings.

freelance: Some freelance sites support payment in Bitcoin. If you are a freelancer and provide services on the Internet, some freelance sites support this method, as it is sufficient for you to open a special Bitcoin wallet and receive your profits in Bitcoin instead of the dollar or any other currency.

Obtaining Bitcoin through sites that pay for it after watching their advertisements or completing tasks on the site is the easiest method among all these methods. All you have to do is register on the site and complete the daily tasks that the site suggests to you, and the payment will be in Bitcoin on your electronic wallet.

Earning Bitcoin from Android applications: There are many applications that you can earn Bitcoin from, the most famous of which are cashback applications for online shopping, in addition to gaming applications as well, Microtasks applications, and cloud mining applications.


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